Invivo is one of NZ’s great wine stories. Two old school mates turn entrepreneurs that have created a world famous wine label that’s been sticking to the same principles since day one. Be honest, be down to earth and cut out of the BS! Oh, and make bloody good wine too.
Invivo is Tim and Rob. Tim’s the brains in the marketing department (he makes you want the wine) and Rob’s the chief in charge of all things winemaking (he makes the wine you want). In 2008 these lads spent every last cent they had starting up Invivo (with a bit of help from friends and family). With a label designed by fashion icons Zambesi they took their wine to the world – and the world bloody loved it!
They’ve since become NZ’s first crowdfunded winery, made exclusive labels for TV and movie stars like Graham Norton and Sarah Jessica-Parker, made it on to the in flight Air NZ wine lists for the business class wine snobs and had their wines poured in Air NZ Koru lounges!
They’ve won plenty of friends along the way – and a few shiny Gold medals too. This is the classic Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc style – fresh, crisp and mouth-wateringly delicious. Good on ya boys!
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