And now for something completely different. Misty Cove Waitaria
It’s a certified organic barrel fermented white wine of a third Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay and Pinot Gris from Marlborough’s Kenepuru Sound and aged in French oak barriques for 12 months. You can just call it Waitaria if you want.
Produced by Misty Cove from their Waitaria Bay vineyard and limited to a production of just 3000 bottles. Each is numbered and printed in a chalk like font on the neck of the bottle.
Very unique, very different and we reckon very delicious. So what did the crop of local wine scribblers think to Waitaria?…
5 Stars, 95/100 (Huon Hooke MW) – “A surprising, delicious and very impressive blend”
5 Stars, 94/100 (Sam Kim) –“Richly fruited and generously weighted, and offers silky textured”
4 1/2 Stars, 94/100 (Bob Campbell MW) –“Good weight and mouth-feel with herb and stone fruit flavours plus a seasoning of subtle oak character.”
Gold medal (NZ Organic Wine Awards 2018)
Silver medal (NZ Int’l Wine Show 2017)
Branch out, try something different, you’ll be rewarded for it! Drink now to 2022.
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